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Here is the latest version of the rules
Rules for Card Game V. 1


There should be three types of cards in your deck; Character cards, Item/Weapon cards, and Skill cards. Character cards will have a picture of a character and their description on them, Item/Weapon cards will have an item or a weapon pictured on them with it's description, and Skill cards will have a skill, ability or situation pictured or described on them.

Getting started:

First, separate the Character cards from the rest of the deck. Then shuffle them and deal 4 face-down on the playing surface. Set the remaining Character cards aside.

Second, separate the Item/Weapon cards and shuffle and deal 8 onto the playing surface.

Now shuffle the remaining Character and Item/Weapon cards into the main deck. Deal 5 and pick them up as your hand.

Now you are ready to set up your playing area. You can either draw the lines for your sectors, or make sure there is lots of space in between your cards. Your playing area should look like the area in figure 1.

Fig 1.

Now, place your Characters into whatever sectors you would like. There is no limit to the number of Characters you may have in any sector. Now, assign the Item/Weapon cards to them. Their is no limit to the number of items or weapons a character may have, but it is recommended that each character start out with two, so that none are left weaker than others.

Once an Item/Weapon card has been assigned, it may not be moved without a special Skill card giving you that power.


When you are playing, a coin is flipped to see who goes first. Then the player chooses one of their characters and looks at their Order of Turn which is located at the bottom of the character's card. Only two actions are possible: Move, or Attack.

Move: The player looks at the character's Movement Ratio to see how many sectors the character may move each turn. The character is not required to move, and that phase may be forfeit. Also, the character is not required to move all of the sectors it can if it does choose to move.

Attack: The player uses an item or a weapon that has been assigned to them. The player looks at the Attack Range of the item or weapon, and chooses one person within that range to apply it to. Some items or weapons have a radius, and it will affect every one within the radius.