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Royal Terrinorian Army

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Here are the membersof the TAH Lounge

  TAH Welcome to my house. I am TAH. I am trying to take over the world. If you would like to be added to my list of Residents, let me know in the "Lounge".

A picture of me!
  DTRB Hello, I am DTRB. I am six and a half feet tall, and I have problems opening peanut butter jars because of the weird sensation that ripples down my arm every twist I turn.

Image of DTRB!

TAR has A.D.H.D and is constantly pumped up on Ritalyn, while everyone around him needs Prozac to cope with him.  He has a strange love for girls in the military, because he likes the idea of girls in a higher rank than him.  He is "Cuh-RAZY!"

TAR is in the middle!